What can we do to improve driving standards?
2007-10-09 15:29:37 UTC
Driving standards in the Uk are quite frankly awful. The most obvious manifestation of this is speeding. Too many people now are not happy to steal a few MPH on the limit, but 10, 15 even 20MPH because their GPS tells them there is no camera near. Anyway most of these speeders also display more obvious forms of poor driving standards. Failure to maintain lane discipline, failure to use signals properly( if at all) failure to use the handbrake when there car is stopped at traffic lights( there is a very valid reason for using this), failing to stop at STOP signs, straightening out roundabouts, signaling right to go straight across a roundabout, braking in a bend, not before. I could go on, I haven`t even got to mobile phones yet, but how do we improvew the standards. I think that every driver should be forced to resit there test evry five years. Also Learner Drivers should only be taught by Driving Schools, why let poor quality drivers teach the next generation their faults.
23 answers:
2007-10-09 19:46:16 UTC
You make a few good points in your Q.

I've had a full licence for the past 15 years and it seems to me that peoples driving is far worse than it use to be.

I've been knocked off my bike twice because people just don't think or look, they're just in their own little world and nothing or nobody else matters.

I saw a van the other day overtake 2 cars on a bend with 2 solid white lines,after this ludicrous move he ended up 500 yards down the road behind a line of cars again !!

I think its not just the actions that needs sorting or lack of,its peoples attitude while behind the wheel,how many people have pulled out on you this week(with a sod you attitude) when if they waited 3 or 4 seconds you would have passed and the way was clear them,it happens to me quite often.

I don't think everyone resitting your test is the answer that's just going to line the governments pocket to spend on something like Iraq etc,I know I wouldn't be happy with it,there isn't an easy answer to the problem,only maybe more policing of the roads in unmarked cars and a campaign letting people know they're out there specifically to improve driving standards and safety,and anyone caught committing a serious or dangerous manoeuvre will have to resit the test and fined to finance more police cars to do the same.

Sorry for dragging on,rant over !!
2016-05-20 05:26:11 UTC
I have driven for many years in US and now live in Singapore. I feel that the drivers in Singapore is about 6/10 in terms of courtesy. There are actually some very courteous drivers who would yield in a crowded road when you need to change lanes even though the traffic is bumper to bumper. This was a daily event when my office was at Raffles Place. I noticed that the most courteous drivers are Taxi drivers. I can almost always count on them to yield. Of course there are also many who would not give an inch. Interestingly, some of these are foreigners. How to improve the courtesy? Just be courteous to others and watch the goodwill spread. That was how I learned it when I was a new driver in US. Someone gave way to me and I was so surprised that I made it a point to do the same ever since. Traffic actually flows better when everyone gives way. Those who are in such a hurry and would not budge an inch actually cause a jam which defeats their purpose. They are also more likely to get into an accident. So, be courteous and be safe. We'll all get there sooner and saner.
2007-10-10 02:21:41 UTC
First, limit the power of cars for newly passed driver.

Second make it a legal requirement for all new drivers to do pass plus within 12 months of passing there test.

Third restrict driving licences to engine output, so for example if a driver want to have a high performance car they need to pass an advanced drivers licence before they can legally drive them.

Fourth all drivers need to do refresher training ever 10 years, if the instructor feels that the drivers standard is below the level that he feels happy with, then the driver needs to take a re-test.

Fifth all foreign drivers need to complete a UK drivers test within 3 months of coming to the UK.Currently there is licence exchange for many overseas countries.

Sixth stop the money generating fines based penalties, if a driver does something wrong send them for a re-test. If they do the same offence again ban them.
2007-10-09 18:33:20 UTC
Yes, driving standards mirror society's ills - there is little or no respect for others.

Things have improved in the UK with the intro of the driving theory test, but it might be an idea to force applicants to show they have spent some time on a bicycle and a motorrcycle. When I took my car driving test I had already spent years on two wheels as probably had most others at that time. These days 17 year olds go straight to driving cars and have no awareness of the problems and dangers of smaller and consequently much more vulnerable road users.
Lisa T
2007-10-09 15:37:01 UTC
I live facing a cross junction. On the opposite road it is a straight road that leads to a pub. They always speed down the road which the neighbours are getting fed up with. Sunday afternoon i was giving a 9 year old boy first aid as he got hit by one of these speeding cars, he was knocked off of his bike with a head pouring with blood. The driver never even stopped, my son was playing on the green outside at the time (he is 6) and witnessed the whole thing. It could have been him hit too. Now if that bloke wasn't drinking nor speeding, that accident may never have happened. The council will not put speed bumps down the road as they don't think it is an accident zone. Living on that corner i see many of near misses.
2007-10-09 16:04:21 UTC
Driving standards have absolutely nothing to do with competence behind the wheel. The problem lies with today's society having little or no respect for others. Being courteous and aware of others is in decline, it`s not just young drivers that are deficient in this respect. I myself am guilty on occasions of being unintentionally poor behind the wheel, no number of driving tests are going to stop these occurrences. Excessive speed is either an Adrenalin rush or the pressure of having to be in 2 places at one time for whatever reason, I exceed the speed limit at times but not at a speed that endangers myself or others. One way to make drivers appreciate the privilege of driving is to see the horrors inflicted when a car is involved in a fatal crash, shock tactics. Ever seen a horse go through a car windscreen ? Not a pretty sight !!
2007-10-09 15:52:49 UTC
My biggest gripe is lane discipline, speeders dont bother me, I regularly sit at 90mph, -edited-i do not speed in towns, quite the opposite- both of my cars are more than capable of out braking, handling and holding the road better than most cars at on the road doing 70mph.

I believe there should be a flow, I really do not understand why people pull out without using mirrors and hogging the outside lane when there is a half mile gap between the cars they are overtaking. This is bad driving. These people need tested for observance and road mannors.
2007-10-09 15:52:21 UTC
I'm not gonna moan on about the many instances of bad driving i have seen in my 22 years on the road, my driving is A1, it's all about being aware of things in advance, concentrating on the task in hand and keeping a steady driving pace as we all get there in the end. Here's my answer to your question........

We need a hot line for reporting speeding and bad driving practises in general, once their registration number pops up more than 3 times from independent reports ie different sources, they are issued a warning, if they continue after that they have to attend a road safety class or receive 3 points and a fine and any further episodes would be a flagged on the licence as a code to indicate an "unsafe driver" and would effect the cost of insurance and tax.

It may save a lot of lives and i'm sure the police would love to do it as it would pay for itself via any imposed fines.
2007-10-10 05:40:52 UTC
For a start, we could do with more spot checks by the police to see who is driving under the influence of drugs.And I'm still seeing drivers talking on mobile phone whilst driving.One guy narrowly missed me and my dog as I stood at the kerbside waiting to cross.If people have passed their advanced driving test, it would be a good idea to give them even cheaper insurance and maybe something like Nectar points for each time they renew their insurance providing there are no points on their licence.
2007-10-10 03:51:59 UTC
Whatever people intend to drive they should first pass the HGV and motorcycle tests. There should also be an IQ and physical test. I truly believe some people lack sufficient intelligence and adequate reactions for todays roads. Dangerous speeding should result in a 12 month ban and £1000 fine minimum.
Phil McCracken
2007-10-09 15:39:30 UTC
As the number of cars increases, driving gets worse. A good start would be to bring back public information films, since in my opinion, the British public really ARE so stupid that they need daily instruction on how to negotiate a roundabout.
bottle babe
2007-10-10 02:53:20 UTC
Get everyone under 25 off the roads, and make 1 a level subject a minimum for learning to drive.
2007-10-09 15:47:27 UTC
Forget cameras, what we need is what they have in the US, they're called police officers. They enforce all driving laws but use discretion,(and occasionally a shotgun!). But there's too many pc doogooders in this country now. Just get yourself a set of foreign plates and do what you like!
2007-10-09 15:54:15 UTC
I'm with you on this one. But,what can you do?

But for driving,read society. Nobody seems to be taught the way to behave properly anymore.

In a car or socially. Theres a couple of generations out there of slack jawed,drooling neanderthals. ***k you jack,I'm all right.
John S
2007-10-09 15:37:19 UTC
Its all past, computers will be driving in maybe 10 or 20 years time. No speeding, no drink driving.
2007-10-09 15:40:24 UTC
Drivers should be forced to retake their driving tests in order to prevent accidents.
2007-10-10 09:43:03 UTC
The main reason for poor driving is the sheer frustration of driving on British roads.

Jams, Jams and yet more jams.

2007-10-09 15:34:10 UTC
Why should good drivers be forced to resit the test every five years just because of the number of dickheads on the road?

I suppose your driving is impeccable, otherwise you wouldn't be in the lofty position of being qualified to judge everybody elses standards.
2007-10-09 15:35:49 UTC
we should get tougher when drivers are caught bigger fines more points take licenses away easier, i work in highways and the most common complaint we get is about speeding drivers
2007-10-09 15:38:50 UTC
Possibly make people take their local bus service for a month or two
2007-10-09 21:27:33 UTC
Sounds like fun!
2007-10-09 16:44:33 UTC
nothing i cannot pass my test due to risen high standards for driving tests because of psychos who drive mad
2007-10-09 16:15:00 UTC
with a head that big how do you get in a car i do not think you would pass a test today you would spend all you time looking in the mirror see how perfect you are

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