the police can actually nick you for doing 41 in a 40. this plus or minus rubbish is a load of b****cks. it all depends on how you're car is set up as well.
i have sat nav and a safety camera device in my car and they both say i'm doing 3mph less than the speedo, we have tried this in 6 other cars, all the same give or take 1mph. so to get nicked you would have to be doingthe equivalent of about 35mph in a 30 xone according to you're speedo
the cameras are usually set 1-2mph above the limit in my experience and unfortunatley in some of my friends. i know people who were nicked by a camera doing 31 in a 30, 41 in a 40 and 52 in a 50. the only way out of it is to ask for the calibration records in court, if they are not up to date you have them, if they are its cost you quite a lot more.
some areas may be a little more leniant but in effect if you break the speed limit by even 1mph you are breaking the law and they can do you.
p.s simon h is also talking b****cks, 120mph will get you banned, do you not watch to gear, you have to be doing over 170mph to get only one picture taken and as they need to to work out your speed over distance you get away with it.