2009-08-20 16:47:25 UTC
Disposable Camera
Insurance Documentation
Cellphone Charger
Minor Wounds First Aid Kit
2 books
Board Game
GPS Locater with charger
Emergancy Blankets
Diver's canister of air (small emergancy kind, incase the car goes into a lake)
Life Jacket
Small fire extinguisher
Fire starting kit
Heavy tools (crowbar, shovel, hammer, wedge)
'Tire slime' (prolongs life of tires with minor leaks?)
Box of saltine crackers
2 gallons of water
Canned foods
Spoon, Fork, Knife
roll of tin foil
Cellphone SIgnal Booster
Extra gasoline
Extra car battery
Tools to install the battery
Maps of areas I'll be in
a roll of duct tape
Pot/kettle (something to put water or soup in while heating it over a fire)
Some cord or rope (to keep things tied up)
Extra pair of shoes (would boots be better?)
Extra socks, pants, shirt, underwear
Is there anything else you would suggest, or does this look like it'd cover the general survival emergancy kit? I'm a geologist-in-training, I expect I'll have to be out in remote areas more often than most people, once I actually get into the workforce.