Here are some facts:
Motorways are the safest roads in Britain. They also have the highest average speed.
75% of all road accidents in this country occur at less than 30mph.
You are four times more like to cause an accident because you don't know where you are going, than a driver who is exceeding the speed limit by 10mph.
(Source: T.R.L.)
The motorway speed limit is too low. However, it's debatable whether the speed limits on other roads are too low.
"The limits are there for a reason they aren't just numbers pulled out of a hat"
Actually, you are wrong.
The motorway speed limit WAS pulled out of a hat. Between 1958 and 1965, Britain's motorways had no speed limits at all. It was only after 'speed testing' of cars like the Jaguar E-Type, the Ford GT-40 and the AC Cobra resulted in some horrific crashes, that a speed limit was introduced.
It was set at 70mph totally arbitrarily, with NO research or consultations taking place.