Steven N
2013-08-11 01:43:59 UTC
i do not know my perscription, i never pay attention, but i do have glasses
i dont wear them usually, i wear sun glasses most of the day and I see amazingly well sunset and night time. Therefore if i pass, i might be driving at sunset and night.
Anyways, do you guys know any legit eye vision charts where i can put it on my laptop and know how far to stand away from so i can see if i will pass my vision test or not.
The only thing that worries me is the vision test. I know, weird huh? :(
i live in California,
Southern California, orange county to be exact
i could go to the dmv and try to test my vision but the dmv is very far away from where i live
is there any handicap things or something? My workability at my school said there is a machine that actually measure ur perscription, so i am hoping that will help?
if you guys got any good suggestions and tips, please
oh btw, my glasses just help me see things VERY clear, mostly in the daytime
is glasses sopose to do that or help you see far?
people say just bring your glasses and ull be fine, but i feel like my glasses doesnt help me see far