It requires that you add weight to the rear drive vehicle.
Then be prepared to add traction devices.
The tread lugs on some snow tires would prohibit using cable chains
as they became needed and unneeded. Tire damage can result.
Then the large contributing factors are the driver,
Then the road condition,
Then the traffic of other vehicles.
For the vehicle to already have helpful factors in place
by its arrangement? the way its built?
That means those vehicles would be the successful ones, that day,
because they were set up prior to, if you were to compare them.
The driver must plan ahead, prepare and maintain,
expect the conditions, have the knowledge for the RWD.
The FWD and AWD drivers must run the correct tires,
Then be prepared to add traction devices.
Their part failure of vehicle systems, because of their design
can add up fast without constant attention.
You can talk it over when you purchase tires and or cable chains
In the long run, the RWD vehicle might spend less in every category,
since his vehicle requires fewer repairs beyond normal maintenance.
Years of watching a necessary crew show up early or on-time
during snow and ice ?
The drivers attitudes and experience about the whole array of factors
had them there, on-time, ready to begin, because they were prepared regardless of the vehicle, tires, or devices.
The rest of the people who did not show-up, had to be called in?
But were considered "AWOL" ?
They chose to stay off the road.
Both were correct, but fewer customers needs were met as a result.
If you are not necessary personnel, follow news and weather for your area. Stay off the roads unnecessarily and be prepared.
Your forethought can have you better prepared for emergencies.
Your local conditions can make the difference for how critical
your "needs" could be.
Taking a snowday means your car sat till the snow melted, and was
not subjected to the dangers.
Venturing out to find trouble? That means you must think ahead,
have the vehicle's needs met. Stay out of the way of those "necessary"
people, and their function.
As you get experience, mostly bad, you will see why.
Then the choice for vehicle to take is known to you.
It is the one you can afford, maintain, and prepare, then operate wisely.