I do agree with you on some aspects, but limiting cars in my opinion wont make a differance. Most accidents on the motorway or any other road for that matter, are not caused by excessive speed but just by drivers that dont check there mirrors or dont consentrate or just by having some damage like a burst tyre and in some occasions by traveling to slow.
I am a class 1 driver for the british army, so yes i do have experiance in this field.
There are alot of people saying on here that they have followed trucks for hours at 70+ mph. Well that is not possible. You were probally following a high sided 7.5 tonne lorry which is not limited. You may follow a truck doing 70 for a few minutes as he coasts down a hill but all trucks over 7.5 tonne in the uk ARE limited to 56 mph and as of jan 2008, every comercial vehicle over 2.5 tonne will also be limited to 56 mph.
In america it may be different on the speeds issue.
In the uk, it is virtualy impossible to fiddle with a speed limiter fitted to a truck as it is hard wired into the trucks system and security sealed into the gearbox.
I do agree that speed is a factor in some cases but not enough to warrent the cost of having speed limiters fitted to evry vehicle on the raods.
Just for the info of anyone that cares, I phoned my brothers garage today (He is a tacograph engineer) and he said that to fit a speed limiter to a car would cost £250 for a basic limiter plus 2 hours labour to fit it @ £45 per hour (only tacograph garages are licenced to fit them) and because they would be compulsory, you would have to have 2 yearly checks and 6 yearly checks, ranging from £40 - £100 not to mention the fact that even though speed limiters have been out for so many years, truckers are still coming in with constant faults which cost alot of money to fix. Now who do you think would have to foot the bill for this work, the goverment? not a chance. this will cost millions for them so they would have to make a law and then make all of us pay for it. I think that the best way to stop speeding if thats what you want, is to increase the fines and the severity of the penalties.
And also, i too wish people would stop pulling infront of me and braking sharply. I was at an incident a few years back when a 19 year old lad with his mates in the car, overtook a 30 tonne military lorry, and then slammed on his brakes for a hazard in front. The truck driver had already started braking for the obstruction and when this car slammed on, he had nowhere else to go and nothing else to do but continue braking as hard as he could. Unfortunatly, he could not stop in time and went right over the top of the lads in the car. fortunatly, no one was killed but there were some major mangled bit of body.
So just be carefull when your on the roads, stick to the limit, dont drive at 10% of the speed limit as you will cause an accident and just be wary of trucks, if you cant see clearly in front of a truck, dont overtake untill you can!!!!!