My employer issued me a vehicle to use to get to and from work, this was not a favor it was in the contact(I work Security). And this car had all types of things wrong with it. Brakes sqealed, front tires are bald, rear tires not much diffrent, the windshield wipers didnt work, so with all these things wrong with the car I cant believe my employer would make me drive this the snow(with chains at least). so what I am asking is, when you run a fleet of cars dont you have an obligation to make sure they are safe to drive in all weather conditons? and this isnt just one car most of the cars in the fleet are like this. I could write up a laundry list of things wrong with these cars, and if I am not the only one that thinks this is wrong who can I contact to let them know my employer is making his employees drive unsafe vehicle? thanks for your time.