Not sure they CAUSE anymore accidents but you mention the fact that people act erraticaly around them, so that could indeed cause accidents to occour.
Heres a suggestion to the authorities.
If you GENUINELY want people to slow down at a certain spot, BE MORE OBVIOUS! If you just want the revenue collected from these easy targets, carry on hiding in the bushes and in the shadows.
Heres another little known fact
Safety camera vans have a "code of conduct" to aim for. But in reality, they can get "evidence" ANY way they want. Only if this is challenged in court will the operater of the van be penalised. The penalty? They arent allowed to claim back their "fee" for the operation. However, even if you can prove they got their evidence
outide their guidelines, this is still no defence and the (your!) conviction will stand.
It is the only "crime"in the country where,by definition, you have no defence. Ever. The Highway Code was in the first instance a set of laws to protect inocent travellers from Highway Robbery! How things have changed.........
If I commited a serious crime, say a multiple murder with a couple of rapes thrown in, the crown prosecution service had BETTER make sure the do it all by the book or I will walk. And the evidence must be good too..... If I momentaraly exceed the speed limit, I will be dealt with without any mercy or extenuation.
Just remember this. If you are caught speeding, ask to see the photograph because you dont know who was driving. Admit nothing and ask the agency in question to decide who to prosecute from the list of possible drivers that may have been driving that day. Two other drivers is enough. The crappy systems they use are only focused at 100 feet and glass is reflective.. More often than not they will drop the case.