Chris A
2009-04-21 06:17:57 UTC
And yet y they think someone doing 30 starring at their speedo stead of the road is less dangerous than someone driving safely, watching the road, doing a reasonable speed that isn't too slow or too fast but just enough for the conditon of the road and its surroundings, so they will still notice hazards in plenty of time.
i tell you they are just making it worse both in terms of fun, pollution, money, and safety than any better.
and i don't want any of u dorks going 'oh speed kills'
is it really like
oh im doing 30mph in a 30, its totally safe and legal and hitting someone at that they will have 99% chance of living whereas doing 31mph is dangerous, illegal and hitting someone at that they will have 99% chance of dying, 0ver 90% of speeding related accidents are for those who go too fast for the road conditons, obstacles, weather conditions, taking a corner too fast, dangerous overtaking, all of which could happen doing well above or well below the limit
some roads you can't even do half the legal limit wiht its conditions, other roads you could do even up to and over double the limit safely.
I'm not saying bad speeding isn't dangerous, I'm just trying to make a fair share side of point here so driving can still be enjoyable, pleasent and safe for all of us, not all this stupid oh spend more of your time worrying bout what bloody speed your doing and treating it lyk you deliberatly stabbed someone to death just for driving at 10mph over the limit, not like oh he crashed at 40mph in a 30, had he been doing 30 in a 30, he would not have crashed at all etc
weird these people are