How can I train myself to drive using only my right foot for the pedals? I tend to used the two-foot method.?
trust me
2007-03-17 15:50:46 UTC
I'm 15 and I'm going to be taking drivers training next month. My mum has been taking me to parking lots to drive around in them but I drive with one foot on each pedal. How can I train myself to only drive using my right foot for both pedals?
Seventeen answers:
2007-03-17 16:16:31 UTC
"Two Feet" drivers are a pet peeve of mine. You can always tell who they are because their brake lights are always on.

My first car was a standard shift model so I had to learn to drive with my right foot controlling the gas and brake petal because our left foot was busy with the clutch pedal. When I bought my first car with an automatic transmission, it was natural just to rest my left foot and let it go along for the ride.

When I married, I taught my new wife how to drive using an automatic transmission. She kept trying to "brake" with her left foot and I kept trying to "break" her of the habit. Finally, I had her remove her left shoe. This caused her to feel a bit awkward attempting to use the brake with her unshod left foot that she eventually got over the habit.

I want to stress to you not use "two feet" while driving. A very dear friend of mine was permanently maimed when, in a panic to prevent hitting a car running a red light, she pressed both her brake and gas petals at the same time. Her car was a hi-powered sports model whose engine power was able to override the braking and she "sped" in front of the on rushing car.
2007-03-17 16:17:46 UTC
It's good that you're aware that driving with both feet is not correct. I know it's done by race drivers, but in normal traffic it's not a good idea. In a panic situation where a person has to break hard BOTH feet will naturally try to brace your body for an impact. When people are accustomed to braking with one foot and applying gas with the other they will press on both pedals instinctively in a panic situation. This can make a bad accident truly serious when you smash the gas pedal at the same time as the brake! It'll be best to just keep practicing using only your right foot. Perhaps taking your shoe off a couple of times while in a parking lot will help you remember. (Driving without shoes may be against the law in your area) If you have access to a manual transmission car, learn to drive in that. You'll be using that left foot, but never will it be for braking.Don't worry, it'll start becomeing natural for you pretty quickly the longer you practice. Good luck & stay safe!!
2007-03-17 22:46:50 UTC
I drive a car with a manual transmission and use both feet. But when I'm on the freeway and don't need to use the clutch, I put my left foot (to engage the clutch) on the foot rest.

I suggest you do that with your left foot - give it a place to 'park' while your right foot does all the work.

I also tend to drive wearing socks without shoes - it gives me a much better feel for the clutch's engagement, and it helps increase gas mileage because I can control the accelerator with a very light touch instead of having to mash it all the time.
2007-03-17 16:09:37 UTC
The one thing that two footed drivers have a tendency to do is ride the brake. You end up replacing your brakes often, believe me this will be a very shot lived problem after you have to pay for the brakes on a car, any one that tell you otherwise haven't had to pay for those brakes yet, I can tell you to replace the brakes on a BMW 10 years ago cost about $600 I didn't have for two footed driving but From 5 years of use.
2007-03-19 07:25:07 UTC
The theory of using the right foot for the emergency brake and accelerator is about manual drivers using the left for the clutch, and agricultural tractor drivers using the left for the left hand side brake.

It is a very effective way of making sure you don't rev the engine ridiculously when using the brake, and making sure that you don't sit on the brake all the time (which is bad for the brakes and fuel economy).
2007-03-17 16:05:35 UTC
You are driving slowly around the parking lot and can stop quickly with your right foot. Don't be nervous, almost anyone can drive.

Left foot braking is often used by competition drivers of automatic transmission cars and is usually considered good technique. However if you are resting your left foot on the brake, take it off. You will wear out the brakes very quickly and they may even overheat and fail before they are worn out. That is very poor technique!
2007-03-21 09:27:15 UTC
Better learn to drive with one foot on the working side of the brakes and gas pedal. just 2 weeks ago a man and his wife drove into a hotel. it is next to the beach. he became confused driving with 2 feet system. he pressed the gas instead of the brakes and he went over a 200' cliff. his wife was killed. LEARN THE CORRECT WAY IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU.
2007-03-17 19:45:41 UTC
Either drive a stick shift so your left foot has something useful to do (it's fun), or learn some self discipline. Do not drive an automatic with two feet!

>>> there is nothing wrong with driving with two feet.<<<<

Yes there is! People who brake with the left foot are always activating their brake lights....after so many "false alarms", the person behind you will start ignoring the brake lights...and then when you really have to stop, he'll hit you. (Like the boy that cried wolf)
2007-03-17 15:57:36 UTC
There is no way to train urself to drive except by driving, so take ur left foot off the brake and go easy on it, the brake is like the gas, its sensative, so treat it like another gas pedal. or u could learn how to drive a manual, that would break that habbit really fast.
2007-03-17 18:36:44 UTC
Youre obviously driving an automatic so you do need to drive with only one foot, two can be dangerous. Try sitting on your left foot, sort of Indian style, while driving.
Country Boy
2007-03-17 16:21:29 UTC
Hun, Your mom's teaching you the correct way to use your feet. The driving test judge will be watching your feet also. Your mom's way is good training if you ever get stuck driving a standard or "stick" shift as you will be using both feet.

An odd driving advise conflict was tossed in my lap in high school. The driver ed. teacher of course was teaching me your mom's way of using my feet. I had another teacher who we we went on trips with said : God gave you two feet use them both when you drive. His car had an automatic transmission thus a brake petal and an accelerator.

My first car was a 4 speed stick shift so I had to use both feet. From then on every car I've had were automatics. I'm tall and my feet are big and I find my reaction time with the brake petal is faster while using my left foot. Plus I have a better "feel" of the braking system and can feed more gas while leaving a corner. I'm a bad boy. Good luck with your drivers test!
2007-03-18 09:40:26 UTC
You can get in and automatically sit on your left foot so that when you need to stop you have to use your right foot
2007-03-17 16:02:42 UTC
.I have always driven with just the right foot. My son has always driven with both his feet. We both have good driving records, so does it make a difference? Are you supposed to drive with just the right for your class or by the book. I don't know. Check to see if it is allowable. If it is, ya don't have a thing to worry about. Luck on your exam.
2007-03-17 16:02:37 UTC
there is nothing wrong with driving with two feet.

rather people who are better at driving a manual, tend to use two feet, as well as racers.

this technique is called "heeltoe" cause you use the heel and toes, for the clutch, brake, accelerator.

however it doesn't matter if you're not going to race nor if you don't drive a stick.

there are a lot of people who drive with two feet.

it's not bad or anything, it's kind of like being able to write with both hands.

Azn Street Racer
2007-03-18 10:48:03 UTC
nothing wrong with that at all! i have to use two feet i drive a stick and i street race so i have brake hard so i have brake and down shift at the same time
2007-03-17 15:57:40 UTC
Tuck your left foot under your butt when you drive.

Or take that shoe off to help remind you.
jane h
2007-03-19 17:14:38 UTC

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